Mecaprom offers an innovative integrated hybrid robotized mechanical transmission, based on the assumptions that AMT is the most efficient, compact and lightest transmission on the market, perfectly suitable to match the new strict CO2 emissions rules, while hybrid concepts are widely looked at to both lower CO2 emissions and to improve performance.
Therefore hybridization and AMT can be combined to gain strong functional cooperation, improving vehicles behaviour, by connecting an electric motor to the gear-box output shaft: the motor can supply torque to the wheels during gear-shift and fill the AMT torque gap when clutch is open, offering the same comfort of a traditional AT, while it can be mechanically disconnected from the driveline over a defined vehicle speed.

According to the electric configuration (battery content in terms of power and energy), in addition to the Torque Gap Filling, the motor delivers a plurality of functionalities, as boosted pick-up (torque converter effect), boosted acceleration, electric crawl and hill hold for perfect car control in low speed maneuvers, regenerative braking for fuel saving, hybrid mode for more efficient engine warm-up and lower exhaust emission and full electric driving for city use. Mecaprom ha sviluppato una soluzione innovativa di trasmissione meccanica robotizzata ed ibridizzata, basata sull’assunzione che AMT è la trasmissione più efficiente, compatta e leggera sul mercato, perfetta per impattare positivamente sulle nuove severe regolamentazioni sulle emissioni di CO2 , mentre l’elettrificazione fornisce una ampia possibilità di ridurre le emissioni complessive (inquinanti tradizionali e CO2), migliorando le performance del sistema di trazione.

Mecaprom @ Ecomondologo_big

Ecomondo and Mecaprom together for a better environment! Mecaprom joins the Ecomondo fair showing its efforts toward a better environment. Come say hi at our...